Training for better avocado cultivation for smallholder farmers.
Close to 9,000 tonnes valued at $30 million were exported last year, up from almost zero seven years ago. Demand for avocados from Tanzania is even much higher due to their high quality. It is estimated that some 39,000 tonnes of the fruit are produced locally but only between 8,500 and 9,000 tonnes were exported last year.
Tanzania’s exports a year stood at less than 10,000 tonnes, neighboring Kenya was selling 68,000 tonnes annually to the international markets. Avocado clusters, bringing together several farmers, are being established in order to enable them to produce enough volume for the export market.
The leading markets for avocados from Tanzania are the Netherlands and other European countries, South Africa, Kenya, Dubai and other Gulf states. However, in recent years there has been a big demand from China and India.
Currently, Tanzania is ranked the second country leading in avocado production after Kenya. Increased local production stimulated the growth of exports from 3,279 tonnes in 2015 to 9,000 tonnes three years later. The fruit is largely consumed locally.The regional official said although avocado cultivation has thrived more in the southern highland regions, deliberate efforts are being made to boost its production in Arusha. Currently it is estimated that over 10,000 farmers across the country are involved in avocado production. This triggered an export surge by incredible 380 per cent in a span of five year